webside : www.aasapa.org
宾州美亚老人会”(Asian American Senior Association Of Pennsylvania), 简称 AASAPA,于3月01 日2010年正式注册成立,于2011年5月5日经联邦政府批准为501C(3)非赢利机构. Asian American Senior Association of Pennsylvania was officially incorporated on March 1, 2010。 On May 5, 2011, AASAPA was approved by the federal 501C (3) nonprofit organization.
鉴于费城社区的迅猛发展﹐原来的社区资源不敷使用。特别随着亚裔新移民的到来﹐此状况更显突出﹐老人无法合理安置﹐造成家庭及生活﹑工作上的诸多不便和矛盾﹐至使老人不能很好地安享晚年。年轻家庭因此丧失工作机会和减少收入等状况。因此﹔所有社区会所和致力于筹办老人院、老人公寓、老人活动中心的所有人士﹐共同为老年人谋取福祉。 本会的宗旨: The aims of the Association are: 1.改善老年人的生活状况,使其生活得更快乐、更有意义、更有尊严,“老有所养”、安度晚年。 1. To improve the living conditions of the seniors, enabling them to live more happily, meaningfully, with more dignity, “a sense of security”, spend the remaining years in comfort. 2.为低收入老人、高龄老人、轻度残疾人等老年特殊困难群体的需求服务。建立社区综合服务设施和卫生服务设施,联络和安排其他的养老、托老公司,解决语言障碍、生活照料、娱乐、康复和护理、临终关怀等服务。 2. To serve the low income elderly, senior citizens, seniors with mild disability and special needs. The establishment of integrated community services and health services, liaison and make arrangement with other retirement, care center companies, overcome the language barrier, look after the everyday living, recreation, rehabilitation and care, hospice care, and services etc. 3.为老人们从政府、社会争取应得的权利和福利。 3. To Advocate for the seniors their deserved rights and benefits from the government and society. |